R.I.P Facebook...

Fan vad sur jag blir! Fick detta mailet igår från Facebook gällande mitt hackade konto:


Thank you for bringing this to our attention. We have removed the reported account from Facebook. Users will not be able to search for it or view any of its content.

As a security precaution, Facebook only grants account access to people who can send or receive emails from an email address associated with the account or who have a security question and can correctly answer it.  Since there was no security question set up on this account, we will not be able to grant you access to the account at this time.

If you do regain access to your original login email account, please use that email address to respond directly to this @support.facebook.com address. Be sure to include a copy of our previous correspondence so we can refer to your original inquiry. We will be able to reevaluate the status of the reported account only if this requirement is met. We apologize for any inconvenience, but this decision is final.

You can create a new account using your current email address. If you create a new account, please be sure to set up a security question to avoid similar situations in the future. You can add a security question by going to the Account Settings tab, located in the Settings dropdown menu at the top of any page.

Thanks for contacting Facebook,

User Operations

Har försökt komma i kontakt med hotmail för att få tillbaka mitt konto men jag fattar verkligen inte hur jag ska göra. Skaffade den hotmailadressen när jag va 12, så säkerhetsfråga och liknande kan man ju tokglömma att man minns.

Jag blir så arg, och frustrerad, för jag vet inte hur jag ska gå vidare. Och jag vet inte hur, och om, jag kan få reda på vem idioten är som gjort det? Jag tror på riktigt att det är nån jag känner. Men jag har ingen aning om vem.



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